Get ready for your close up. Just like the US has spelling bees and England has full-contact cheese rolling, France has la dictée , dictation contests where people transcribe oral passages and get graded for spelling, grammar, and proper verb conjugation. All of these are extremely tricky for those of us new to French. For example, in English, the verb "eat" is spelled and pronounced exactly the same in the sentences "I eat," "you eat," and "they eat." In French, the sentences would use mange , manges , and mangeant , respectively--spelled differently, but pronounced exactly the same. And that's just a basic word. So it heartens me a little to know that these skills are also difficult enough for native French speakers that they can be used to sort out les superieurs from les inferieurs . Competitive dictées are very popular, often attracting thousands of participants and broadcast on television . Contests split into divisions for students ...