A monument to the pole-dancing Parisiennes of yore? Mais non! Even better, a statue representing "Commerce" on the base of the Pont Mirabeau.
Can't it be both? |
The Pont Mirabeau bridge stretches across the Seine, connecting the 16th and 15th Arrondissements. It was completed in 1896, and features four allegorical statues sailing the Seine on its two piles. Whatever else they are supposed to represent, these figures wield some fierce weaponry (with the exception of "Navigation," whose hands are full with the practical task of steering the ship).
"Commerce" |
"La Ville de Paris" |
"Abundance" |
"Navigation" |
In addition to being highly useful, the bridge adds a bit of glamour to what is essentially a reclaimed industrial area. On the banks of the 15th Arr. is a Cemex cement factory and a park where the Citroën factory once stood. On our side is the Voie Georges Pompidou expressway.
Views of Pont Mirabeau from Quai Louis Bleriot, a walkway above the Voie Georges Pompidou, 16th Arr. |
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