Street Art: Bordeaux


Birding in Paris is a challenge. There are not a lot of wild spaces accessible by transit, and there are people everywhere in the green spaces in town.

That said, by keeping a pair of 8 x 25 bins in my pocket, making a few dedicated forays to bigger parks at the edge of town, and getting outside of Paris on side trips, I've been able add 67 species to my life list since September 2022. One of my favorites is the Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), spotted in l'Île aux Cygnes in my neighborhood and La Palu nature preserve in Saintes. As an aside, birders should not be allowed to give birds their non-scientific names. This kingfisher might be common in terms of range, but it is definitely uncommon in terms of beauty. The orange and teal blue colors seems impossibly vivid, even without binoculars.

I don't have the patience or equipment to photograph the birds I see, so I'm letting this anonymous street artist represent the species. A great rendering of an uncommonly beautiful common bird.


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