Street (Bluff Trail) Art: Cancale

Pointe du Grouin, Cancale, Bretagne Björn Gottschall hauls a six-octave piano out to different points along coastal Bretagne, playing for his own inspiration, but also for people strolling along the rocky cliffs overlooking La Manche. Ordinarily, my feeling is that art installations set against nature are a bit absurd. How is a stack of flat rocks or sticks arranged as a teepee ever going to compete what time and geologic processes perfected over thousands or millions of years? The accompanist--and the competition. But because it's ephemeral, music can work as an exception, provided that the musician has both talent and good taste. Gottschall seemed to have both, and his playing style complemented the surroundings rather drawing attention to himself. Nature itself also provides an exception in France, since except for a few areas where the land and sea meet in high, inaccessible cliffs, there seems to be little of it. There is no outdoor place I've yet found where you can fe...